Source code for imars3d.backend.workflow.engine

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Workflow engine for imars3d."""
# package imports
from imars3d.backend.workflow import validate

# third-party imports
import param as libparam

# standard imports
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
import importlib
from typing import Any, Optional
from pathlib import Path
import logging

[docs] class WorkflowEngineExitCodes(Enum): r"""Exit codes to be used with workflow engine errors.""" SUCCESS = 0 ERROR_GENERAL = 1 ERROR_VALIDATION = 2
[docs] class WorkflowEngineError(RuntimeError): """Base class for workflow engine errors.""" exit_code = WorkflowEngineExitCodes.ERROR_GENERAL.value
[docs] class WorkflowValidationError(WorkflowEngineError): """Class for workflow validation errors.""" exit_code = WorkflowEngineExitCodes.ERROR_GENERAL.value
[docs] class WorkflowEngine: """Base class for running data reduction workflows.""" TaskOutputTypes = (None, list, tuple) @staticmethod def _validate_outputs(task_outputs: TaskOutputTypes, function_outputs: Optional[Any] = None) -> (tuple, None): """ Verify the function outputs is a valid iterable and of same length as task["outputs"]. Parameters ---------- function_outputs Return value of the function carrying out the task Raises ------ WorkflowEngineError """ def validate_type(outputs): if not isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): raise WorkflowValidationError("Task outputs must be a list or a tuple") validate_type(task_outputs) if function_outputs is not None: if not isinstance(function_outputs, (list, tuple)): function_outputs = (function_outputs,) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if len(task_outputs) != len(function_outputs): error = "Task and Function have different number of outputs" raise WorkflowValidationError(error) return function_outputs def __init__(self) -> None: self._registry: Optional[dict] = None # will store set or computed parameters @property def registry(self): r"""Read only registry.""" return self._registry def _instrospect_task_function(self, function_str: str) -> namedtuple: r"""Obtain information from the function associated to one task in the workflow. Parameters ---------- function_str Literal name for the ``ParameterizedFunction` derived class Returns ------- namedtuple Fields of the namedtuple ``TaskFuncionInstrospection``: function : ParameterizedFunction a reference to the function object globals_required : set[str] the function arguments that are globals, i.e., the names of param.Parameter objects that are the outputs of other functions or are part of the metadata. """ # load the ParameterizedFunction derived class associated to the function string module_str = ".".join(function_str.split(".")[:-1]) module = importlib.import_module(module_str) function_name = function_str.split(".")[-1] f = getattr(module, function_name) # Some functions, like `load_data`, have parameters that may or may not be needed # depending on the value of other parameters. Methods `dryrun()` assume that # parameters are independent of each other independent = False if function_name in ["load_data"] else True outputs = dict(function=f, paramdict=f.params(), params_independent=independent) return namedtuple("TaskFuncionInstrospection", outputs.keys())(**outputs) def _resolve_inputs(self, task_inputs: dict, paramdict: dict) -> dict: r"""Populate the required parameters missing from the task's `inputs` entry with the contents of the registry. Parameters ---------- task_inputs the "inputs" entry in the JSON configuration file for the task being evaluated. paramdict dictionary of `name: instance` parameters for the task being evaluated Returns ------- dict all necessary inputs for the function to be evaluated """ inputs = dict() for pname, param in paramdict.items(): if pname == "name": # not an actual input parameter, just an attribute of the function continue if pname in task_inputs: # value passed explicitly, but it could refer to a value stored in the registry val = task_inputs[pname] if isinstance(val, str): # Examples: `"array": "ct"`, `"exec_mode": "f"` if isinstance(param, (libparam.Foldername, libparam.String)): if val in self._registry: # val is a reference to a value stored in the registry inputs[pname] = self._registry[val] # Example: "savedir": "outputdir" else: # val is an explicit value inputs[pname] = val # Example: "ct_dir": "/home/path/to/ctdir/" else: # must be a reference to a value stored in the registry inputs[pname] = self._registry[val] # Example: "array": "ct" else: inputs[pname] = val # Example: "rot_center": 0.0 elif pname in self._registry: # implicit inputs[pname] = self._registry[pname] return inputs
[docs] class WorkflowEngineAuto(WorkflowEngine): """Used for running fully specified workflow.""" config = validate.JSONValid() load_data_function = "" save_data_function = "" def __init__(self, config: validate.JsonInputTypes) -> None: r"""Initialize the workflow engine. Parameters ---------- config JSON configuration for reconstruction-reduction """ self.config: dict = config # validated JSON configuration file super().__init__() def _verify_loadsave_bookend(self) -> None: # Workflow must be bookended with a load and save task. tasks = self.config["tasks"] if len(tasks) >= 2: if tasks[0]["function"] != self.load_data_function: raise WorkflowValidationError("Incomplete Workflow: Workflow must begin with a load data task.") if tasks[len(tasks) - 1]["function"] != self.save_data_function: raise WorkflowValidationError("Incomplete Workflow: Workflow must end with a save data task") elif len(tasks) == 1: raise WorkflowValidationError( "Incomplete Workflow: Workflow does not contain at minimum a load task and a save task." ) def _verify_input_integrity(self, val, param, registry): # is "val" an actual value or a registry key? if isinstance(val, str): # Examples: `"array": "ct"`, `"exec_mode": "f"` if isinstance(param, libparam.String): return True # In "exec_mode": "f", is "f" a registry key or an actual exec_mode value? if val not in registry: # "val" is a templated value, so it should be a registry key return False # parameter is explicitly set. Example: "rot_center": 0.2 return True def _verify_inputs(self, peek, task, registry): # are all explicitly passed input parameters actual input parameters of this function? unacounted = set(task.get("inputs", set())) - set(peek.paramdict) if unacounted: pnames = ", ".join([f'"{p}"' for p in unacounted]) raise WorkflowValidationError(f"Parameter(s) {pnames} are not input parameters of {task['function']}") # assess each function parameter. Is it missing? missing = set([]) for pname, param in peek.paramdict.items(): if pname == "name": continue # not an actual input parameter, just an attribute of the function if pname == "tqdm_class": continue # parameter for connecting progress bars to the gui if param.default is not None: # the parameter has a default value continue # irrelevant if parameter value is missing if pname in task.get("inputs", {}): # parameter explicitly set val = task["inputs"][pname] if self._verify_input_integrity(val, param, registry): continue else: missing.add(val) # From here on, the parameter has no default value and has not been set in task["inputs"] if pname not in registry: missing.add(pname) if missing: raise WorkflowValidationError(f"input(s) {', '.join(missing)} for task {task['name']} are missing") def _dryrun(self) -> None: r"""Verify validity of the workflow configuration. Validate that the inputs of a task, which could be the output(s) of any previous task(s), have been computed. Raises ------ WorkflowValidationError one or more global inputs are not the output(s) of any previous task(s). """ # registry stores parameters that have already been set or computed. Initialize with metadata registry = set([x for x in self.config if x not in ("name", "tasks")]) # Workflow must be bookended with a load and save task. self._verify_loadsave_bookend() tasks = self.config["tasks"] for task in tasks: peek = self._instrospect_task_function(task["function"]) if peek.params_independent: self._verify_inputs(peek, task, registry) # update the registry with contents of task["outputs"] if task.get("outputs", []): self._validate_outputs(task["outputs"]) registry.update(set(task["outputs"]))
[docs] def run(self) -> None: r"""Sequential execution of the tasks specified in the JSON configuration file.""" # set the logger file if it is specified in the configuration log_file_name = self.config.get("log_file_name", "") if log_file_name: # create log file to capture the root logger, in order to also capture messages from the backend log_file_path = Path(log_file_name) log_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file_path) log_file_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # set formatter formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)s] - %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s") log_file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # add handler to root logger root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.addHandler(log_file_handler) # verify the inputs are sensible self._dryrun() # initialize the registry of global parameters with the metadata self._registry = {k: v for k, v in self.config.items() if k not in ("name", "tasks")} for task in self.config["tasks"]: peek = self._instrospect_task_function(task["function"]) inputs = self._resolve_inputs(task.get("inputs", {}), peek.paramdict) outputs = peek.function(**inputs) if task.get("outputs", []): outputs = self._validate_outputs(task["outputs"], outputs) self._registry.update(dict(zip(task["outputs"], outputs)))