Source code for imars3d.backend.preparation.normalization

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""iMars3D normalization module."""

# package imports
from imars3d.backend.util.functions import clamp_max_workers

# third party imports
import numpy as np
import param
from tomopy.prep.normalize import minus_log as tm_minus_log

# standard imports
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class normalization(param.ParameterizedFunction): """ Normalize the input array(s) by subtracting the dark field and dividing by the adjusted flat field. Parameters ---------- arrays: 3D array of images, the first dimension is the rotation angle omega. flats: 3D array of flat field images (aka flat field, open beam), axis=0 is the image number axis. darks: 3D array of dark field images, axis=0 is the image number axis. max_workers: number of cores to use for parallel processing, default is 0, which means using all available cores. Returns ------- normalized 3D array of images, the first dimension is the rotation angle omega. """ arrays = param.Array(doc="3D array of images, the first dimension is the rotation angle omega.", default=None) flats = param.Array( doc="3D array of flat field images (aka flat field, open beam), axis=0 is the image number axis.", default=None ) darks = param.Array(doc="3D array of dark field images, axis=0 is the image number axis.", default=None) max_workers = param.Integer( default=0, bounds=(0, None), doc="Maximum number of processes allowed during execution", ) def __call__(self, **params): """Perform normalization via numpy.""""Executing Filter: Normalization") # type*bounds check via Parameter _ = self.instance(**params) # sanitize arguments params = param.ParamOverrides(self, params) # type validation is done, now replacing max_worker with an actual integer self.max_workers = clamp_max_workers(params.max_workers) logger.debug(f"max_worker={self.max_workers}") # use median filter to remove outliers from flats and darks # NOTE: this will remove the random noises coming from the environment. self.flats = np.median(params.flats, axis=0) self.darks = np.median(params.darks, axis=0) # apply normalization _bg = self.flats - self.darks _bg[_bg <= 0] = 1e-6 params.arrays = params.arrays - self.darks arrays_normalized = np.true_divide(params.arrays, _bg, dtype=np.float32) # return"FINISHED Executing Filter: Normalization") return arrays_normalized
[docs] class minus_log(param.ParameterizedFunction): r"""Computation of the minus natural log of a given array. Calls `tomopy.prep.normalize.minus_log`. Parameters ---------- arrays : np.ndarray any multidimensional array with values greater than one. max_workers : int number of cores to use for parallel processing, default is 0, which means using all available cores. Returns ------- np.ndarray Raises ------ ValueError Any entry in the input array is equal or smaller than zero """ arrays = param.Array(doc="any multidimensional array with values greater than one.", default=None) max_workers = param.Integer( default=0, bounds=(0, None), doc="Maximum number of processes allowed during execution", ) def __call__(self, **params): """Perform minus_log via tomopy.""""Executing Filter: minus_log") # type*bounds check via Parameter _ = self.instance(**params) # sanitize arguments params = param.ParamOverrides(self, params) # type validation is done, now replacing max_worker with an actual integer self.max_workers = clamp_max_workers(params.max_workers) logger.debug(f"max_worker={self.max_workers}") if not np.all(params.arrays > 0.0): raise ValueError("'minus_log' cannot be applied to arrays containing elements equal or smaller than zero") arrays_normalized = tm_minus_log(params.arrays, ncore=self.max_workers)"FINISHED Executing Filter: minus_log") return arrays_normalized